Psychology And Work Today 10th Edition Free Pdf
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Author: Duane Schultz Editor: Routledge ISBN: Size: 13,66 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Read: 440 For undergraduate-level courses in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Business Psychology, Personnel Psychology and Applied Psychology. Psychology and Work Today provides an invaluable foundation for anyone entering today's global business and industrial world. This informative, sophisticated, and entertaining text teaches students about the nature of work in modern society. By focusing on the practical and applied rather than the scientific ideal, the authors demonstrate how industrial-organizational psychology directly impacts our lives as job applicants, trainees, employees, managers, and consumers.
Author: Duane P. Schultz Editor: ISBN: Size: 18,11 MB Format: PDF, Docs Read: 952 For undergraduate-level courses in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Business Psychology, Personnel Psychology and Applied Psychology. An invaluable preparation guide for entering todays business and industrial world, this informative, sophisticated and entertaining text teaches students about the nature of work in modern society. Focusing on the practical and applied rather than the scientific ideal, the guide shows students how industrial-organizational psychology will directly influence their lives as job applicants, trainees, employees, managers, and consumers.* NEW-Online feature added. * Provides students with web-based resources relating to current job issues and problems.
* NEW-Revised and reorganized to reflect changes in the workplace-Ethnic diversity, changing economic conditions, latest management techniques and effects of technology. * Provides students with an up-to-date, realistic representation of the growing changes in the workplace. * NEW-Online technology-As used for recruiting, interviewing, testing, training, opinion polling, performance monitoring and research. Author: CTI Reviews Editor: Cram101 Textbook Reviews ISBN: Size: 19,24 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Read: 149 Facts101 is your complete guide to Psychology and Work Today. In this book, you will learn topics such as Employee Selection Principles and Techniques, Psychological Testing, Performance Appraisal, and Training and Development plus much more. With key features such as key terms, people and places, Facts101 gives you all the information you need to prepare for your next exam.
Our practice tests are specific to the textbook and we have designed tools to make the most of your limited study time. Author: Dennis Coon Editor: Cengage Learning ISBN: Size: 13,63 MB Format: PDF Read: 422 PSYCHOLOGY: MODULES FOR ACTIVE LEARNING, Twelfth Edition, is a best-selling text by renowned author and educator Dennis Coon and coauthor John O. This text combines the highly effective SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect, Review) active learning system, an engaging style and appealing visuals, and detailed coverage of core topics and cutting-edge research in one remarkable, comprehensive text. Fully updated and reorganized, the new edition builds on the proven modular format, extensive special features, and teaching and learning tools integrated throughout the text. While the text provides a broad overview of essential psychology topics ideal for introductory courses, its modular design also readily supports more specialized curricula, allowing instructors to use the self-contained instructional units in any combination and order. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version. Author: Robert B.
1000 most important words norman schur pdf files in excel. Cialdini Editor: العبيكان للنشر ISBN: Size: 19,48 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Read: 970 التأثير, الكتاب الكلاسيكي حول عملية الإقناع, يشرح مبادئ علم النفس التي تقف وراء قول الناس «نعم» لأي طلب كان, كما يشرح كيفية تطبيق فهم هذه المبادئ. الدكتور روبرت سيالديني مدرّس خبير في حقلي التأثير والإقناع المتناميين بسرعة. إن هذا الكتاب الذي ينظر إليه في الأوساط العلمية نظرة مرموقة جداً؛ فهو حصيلة خمس وثلاثين سنة من الأبحاث الدقيقة المعتمدة على الأدلة القوية، إضافة إلى برنامج استمر ثلاث سنوات من الدراسة الميدانية لما يدفع الناس إلى تغيير سلوكهم. سوف نتعلم المبادئ الستة الأساسية, وكيف نستعملها كي نصبح مهرة في فن الإقناع- وكيف ندافع عن أنفسنا ضد من يحاول أن يستغلنا بإقناعنا بما يريد. هذا الكتاب مثالي لجميع الناس العاملين في جميع نواحي الحياة. سوف تغيّر مبادئ التأثيرشخصيتك تغييراً إيجابياً قوياً وتقودك نحو النجاح. العبيكان للنشر.