Fn Browning Model 1910 Serial Numbers
American psycho script pdf. I had one, made in 1967, traded it quite a while back. Used it as my secondary weapon on my first cop job(back in the stone age!) It worked good in both calibers. I only shot it in.32 once or twice, but I put a bunch of.380 thru it. If your has no value as a collector.all you have to do in most cases is polish the ramp and it'll feed hollows like a champ. I normally use a drum on a dremel.start with 360 grit and end with 500. Finish it off with a little burnishing drum and simichrome polish and it'll look like a mirror. Don't worry about the mainspring, it'll work for both.
Yes you can change the barrels from 380 to 32 auto or vice-versa. Sometimes the same magazine will work both ways. These are recoil operated and the recoil spring should be changed every few 1000 rds. As far as for protection stick with ball ammo for penatration. Use FIO or SB its hotter.
The Fabrique Nationale (FN) Browning Model 1922 pistol bears the distinction of. The Model 1910 gained favor because of its relatively economical pricing and 9mm. (Note: All prewar Model 1922's with serial numbers below 200,000 show.
With these loads the 32 auto will best 1000fps and get 15' penatration. The wolf spring works great. Both my wife and I carry 1910's. I had a pancake holster made for mine and my wife use's a Galco belly band at 5 o'clock. Both with ball 380 and ball 32.
I prefer the 32auto 1910. It was John Brownin's favorite pistol and he had it on him till the day he died. Great accurate fast shooting automatic. Don,t waste your time on HP ammo it's ineffective in these cal's,go for the pentration. And yes the 32 auto will out penatrate a 380 ball rd. For this reason the German military picked the 32 auto over the 380 for military service. The round had to go through a horse's skull to put it down and helmet.
The 380 would not. Well, since this thread is about the FN-Browing 1910 I thought this new topic might interest everyone.
Does anyone know much about the FN-Browning 1910 v. DWM Model 22 comparison? It appears to be common knowledge that the DWM Model 22 is a copy of the FN 1910.
But how close a copy? What parts will interchange?
Attached are some photos of my DWM Model 22;.32acp pocket hammerless. This is an early model (circa 1910) with the walnut grips.
I welcome your comments. Thanks, Jack Whoops!
My DWM was made in 1921 not 1910. It is a copy of the FN Browning Model 1910.
Bob, Dating the old FN pistols isn't a science because their records didn't make it through the wars. Yours has the Serif font with the lower case 'de' on the slide legend.
This fits with model 1910's made predominantly between 1925-1929. Yours appears to be in great shape. For whatever reason, there is not really any collector interest in Browning's Belgium pistols (at least not like his Colt's). Based on the parts of the gun I can see in your picture, I would estimate the value to be around $250, maybe a little more. If you are interested in selling, let me know.I may know someone in the market.