K Yairi Guitars Serial Numbers
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I came across a K. Yairi on CL locally and Im not sure if the person realizes what they have. Its a 19xx model, 6 string, steel, spruce/mahogany (I think) but so far I have no pics so thats all I know.
Yairi 6 string acoustic guitar, Serial number 52 AD1971 B&M solo. Hi, I have a Yairi 6 string acoustic guitar, Serial number 52 AD1971 B&M soloist. I am trying to find out its value and wonder if you have an idea or can let me know where to find out. Thank you very much for reading this posting.
Do any of you guys that own Yairis have a 90's model or know where I could link up to a catalog of those model years? There is not a huge amount of info on K.
Yairi that i have been able to find, other than a lot of speculation over the genealogy of K. Yairi but not much else.
I emailed Alvarez US and Mr. Kruszka said id need the heelblock or model number, not the serial number.
Ill update this as I know more from the owner, but for xxx.xx,[Thanks, Mods-I haven't been here for awhile and forgot about the price rule] for a purportedly 8.5 out of 10 Yairi, am I possibly doing will? Original case and everything comes with it, and its signed K.yairi inside.