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Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is an updated version of Super Street Fighter IV. Which has been released in ISO format full version? You can play this game on your console very easily. It was released in 2011 for Microsoft Windows.
This version of the game aims at bringing the improvements from the arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV to home systems. New characters Yun and Yang added and hidden characters Evil Ryu and Oni now playable. The game has sold 1.1 million units worldwide as of September 2014. Every character received various tweaks ranging from character balancing to new EX moves. Super Street Fighter IV Arcade is available as downloadable content in the console versions and as a retail game for Microsoft Windows. The “Replay Channel” has been expanded to allow players to follow other recent games, distribute replays and watch a special channel featuring proficient players. The Microsoft Windows version also features a benchmark test for computers and makes use of Games for Windows Live.