Lua Hacks Gmod
Aimbot, bhop, esp, garrys mod, garrys mod hacks, xray 3 Attachment(s). [Release] Garry's Mod Useful Lua Modules (dickwrap, fhook, bsendpacket).
Addon is no longer updated but the cheat is still working.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated.Addon is no longer updated. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION/FAQ BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS! TYPE LUA_OPENSCRIPT_CL HLSCRIPT.LUA TO OPEN THE SCRIPT! TYPE HL_MENU TO OPEN THE MENU! The script has now been updated to include a lot more features. This is a clientside lua script.
It can be used on any server that allows the use clientside scripts (sv_allowcslua 1) such as DarkRP servers. It won't work on servers that don't allow clientside scripts (sv_allowcslua 0) by default. Some of the features that it contains (New) Configurable Xray, ESP and chams, Change colour and opacity. Aimbot Auto Bunny-hop (bhop script) Chat-spammer Name changer for darkrp namechanger script. New entity finder, add your own entities. Social features, this includs a chat system, user list - if you are on the server with another hl scripts user, it will display it above their head, server list to see other servers that people use hl scripts on, and a map of current and recent Servers where you can use this script! (sv_allowcslua 1 servers) To use this script.
First of all make sure that sv_allowcslua is set to 1 on the server you are on. You can do that by typing in sv_allowcslua and it will show you if it is 1 or 0. This script will not run if the server does not have it set to 1!
If it has it set to 1. Type lua_openscript_cl hlscript.lua The script should open up! Type hl_menu to open the menu. The Xray is useful for Propkill gamemode also known as 'wall-hack' 'wallhack' or chams, its used in the propkill gamemode when its very fast paced and we use this addon to keep track, the wall hack can also be used in DarkRP too if the server allows it, Also the bunnyhop script is used in propkill too but can be used in DarkRP too:) It wont work on servers running the bhop gamemode unless they have sv_allowcslua set to 1. For the roleplayers who use my addon, I've now added an entity ESP to make your RP experience nicer!
Money Printer-finder, Money-Finder and Weapon-finder all included! I also added a chat-spam features with ulx psay as well. I hope you have fun with this script please feel free to ask any questions and I will be willing to answer them:) FAQ Can I get banned? No you cannot get banned for using lua scripts in garry's mod. The script isn't opening!
You either haven't subscribed or the server doesn't allow clientside scripts (sv_allowcslua 0) this will only work in singleplayer and multiplayer servers that have sv_allowcslua 1 by default, You can run it on sv_allowcslua 0 servers with an external program tutorial How can I check if a server has sv_allowcslua? Type in the console 'sv_allowcslua' you will see a 1 or a 0 next to it. The 1 means its on (script should work) and the 0 means it wont be on (won't work without a bypass there is a video to do that further down) I have encountered a bug/glitch! Where do I report?
Make a comment below with the bug or glitch, If you get a lua error in the console post that too and I will see the bug and try to fix it. I want to add (insert thing here!) I am happy to add things that people ask for, it's what Im here for to provide cool features for you guys to enjoy.
However bear in mind I can't add everything, I try to update things as new ideas from you come in but not everything can be added, this is due to it being a clientside script meaning that htings that we need the server to authorise such as spawning in money/weapons can't be done, If you want to do that sort of thing best off asking an admin or becoming one yourself:) How can I run the script on sv_allowcslua 0 servers? For that you need an external program. Here is a tutorial to do that here Can you get banned for that?