Download Free Software Owon Oscilloscope Hack
To get started using your instruments over the bus download UltraSigma instrument communication software or for older instruments or customized installations review the How to Guide: Using VISA and drivers to communicate with instruments.
Becouse there is old 'rewiev' thread what have started with older version and many information and tests there are now obsolete. So I want open new thread for this new generation SDS7102. These tests here and opinions are made with new factory improved SDS7102V, version V2.4.1 Do not mix old version things to this thread - please!
(exept direct explained comparison and well marked what is old version) This oscilloscope do not need hack or modify for better frequency response. Happy house 1 activity book free download. Frequency response is amazing good in this class. Capturing (ADC) quality is also very good (in this class). Today I do not know any serious competitor! Factory have done it allready.
So peoples do not need take risk for damage they oscolloscope anymore and also factory have not then 'warranty' faild after peoples have broken they scopes. Do not open, you can not do any useful things there! Also in some places I have seen some information how to make modifications for front end and some other parts inside of scope construction. No need anymore!
Factory have allready made these. (no VGA cable inside, adapter board do not go under battery compartment (adapter board is totally new) etc. ) Whole front end construction have changed (and main board). New models of BNC connectors go directly to main board. Solution is mechanically good. Also it is electrically good.
Channels have also now better RF isolation. Solution is also more reliable. But what is also good. It have clearly better frequency response. Lot of better! Also in this phase they have added LAN (this have not so much advantages exewpt if need use long distange watching or connect many oscilloscopes to teacher board in class room etc.
But more or less useful, it is there. Here first two pictures about risetime. Same signal but other have infinite persitence for show that wobbling is not bad and it is amazing stabile trigged in this class of scopes. Then nice that ALT trig really work and it have also two freq counters.
Then picture about front end construction. ( this is littlebit obsolete - metal pillar what seen top right corner of picture is changed now in production for also improve signal quality (in CH1).
Metal pillar affect signal quality - yes!) And then. Cursors are -3dB levels if compare to 1MHz level. (generator have enough good flatness for this test, HP8644B and 1 - 350MHz come with same level as 1MHz.