Deer Hunt Challenge Se Patch
For Deer Hunt Challenge on the PC, the GameFAQs information page shows all known release data and credits.
It took an apparently simple game to drive me almost crazy and finally reveal a flaw in DxWnd window handling. The game is the first 'Deer Hunter' (1997), that uses the incredible and possibly record number of 131 user32.dll different calls, not to mention the 119 calls from kernel32.dll and (only) 33 from gdi32.dll But in the end the flaw was in the universal CreateWindowEx wrapper, so I take that several other games could be impacted, possibly for the better. In any case now Deer Hunter works pretty well (as long as you don't move the main window: some non-client windows may easily stick to their original placement!). In a while a new patch.
Here the patched version good enough for Deer Hunter (the first episode). The game was developed and released on 1997, making wide use of user32/gdi32 calls. I'd bet that the following episodes should be completely different, but I'll take care of them. This one, in effect, took me a lot of time because there was a flaw in a very delicate part of the logic, that still would need some tuning for the 'Keep aspect ratio' option (that in effect doesn't work.). Also, a first fix broke the behaviour of other games (i.e. This one seems better.
In any case, I made some testing, as you cn see from the picture.;). Thanks, but there are some problems here.
First, the main menu requires compatibility mode enable (windows 95/98) which Dxwnd will not work in window XP. Not really a big deal, since I can rename the file '' and '' to.exe extensions to runs through the gameplay. Second, the cursor keep getting stuck in the top left corner of the screen if I Alt-Tab out of the game. To fix it, i enable 'Keep cursor fixed' and it works, but in game the cursor behave abnormally. I lost control and the cursor automatically rotates when I move. Can you confirm it?
For the first problem, I think I started from a different game release (hem!) because I don't recall having seen any of these files. About the mouse control, this is really crazy, and the only way to make it working good enough to play the game was the one configured in the 'Deer Hunter.dxw' export file within the latest DxWnd release. This way the cursor is not bound within the game window, but every time you click outside the game minimizes itself and after a few minimize/restore operations it is likely to crash. Checking 'Do not notify on task switch' is not a solution, because in this way the game (that has many different windows!) can't listen some events and can't go in the hunt screen no matter where you click. In addition, if you ever try to drag the main window elsewhere, you're likely to leave a number of other windows in the original place, making it impossible to control the game. So, I agree, this game can be windowized, but without all advantages of the feature, since switching, resizing or moving the window causes problems.
I just downloaded DH2 demo hoping to get it working right away, but this second episode seems no better than the first! What an unlucky series!
Border undangan microsoft word. After Deer Hunter I tried, obviously, with Deer Hunter 2. The result is almost incredible: apart from the usual mouse annoyances (no option or option combination get to a correct behaviour!) here comes out of nowhere a new blitting problem: washed colors! Look at the screenshots. It seems that fileplanet servers are not aligned: all the files you downloaded from asia are broken links here in europe! Well, no problem, I'll do somehow differently. The only problem is 'Deer Hunter Challenge': I can't find a demo, nor a RIP, nor anything about this game.
Where does it come from? Not very well. The problem is that this damned game, despite the apparent GUI semplicity, fires two distinct windows, the second one for the wooden taskbar in the bottom.
In fullscreen mode these windows are left indisturbed in their correct z-order and everything works fine, but in windowed mode here come the troubles! I believe that the chaos is caused by the fact that the second window is NOT a child of the main window, so that it has its own independent life, and if it goes below the main window the game stops listening to commands. Troubles are not caused only by alt-tabbing, but also by window dragging: you drag the main window, but the taskbar doesn't necessarily follow. If you like to play with this kind of knowledge, download the Spy++ tool (it is also integrated in Visual Studio) and watch the game windows. So, I believe it is kind of a intrinsic game problem, I don't know what I could do to 'cure' it. Unless I try to transform all windows in child window, but in this way the game may not work for other reasons. It is worth a try, anyway.
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